Sakigake!! Otokojuku Wiki
Name Spartacus
Kanji スパルタカス
Gender Male Male
Status Deceased
Professional Status
Affiliation The Sixteen Warriors of Hades Phoenix Island
Occupation Todo Hyoei's bodyguard
Personal Status
Pets Two horses
First Appearance
Manga Debut Chapter 236
[v · t · e]
You're quite skilled!! My blood is excited when I meet a man like you.

Spartacus is a member of Hades Phoenix Island, and with Zi-Lan, they are Todo Hyoei personal bodyguards.


Spartacus is a huge man with short blond hair, with a cruel and serious face. He is always equipped with armor similar to Roman gladiators. When fighting, he wears a helmet.

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Spartacus is a cruel and sadistic man, completely devoid of companionship. He only cares about his own victory, not caring if his allies die or not.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Red Whip (赤鞭レッド・ウィップ): Spartacus' main weapons are a pair of bladed whips, which give him the ability to make unpredictable attacks. He can use the following techniques:
    • Red Whip Genocide (赤鞭斬レッド・ウィップ・ジェノサイド): Spartacus can use his whips to slice a raging bull like ham.
    • Red Whip Mesh (赤鞭縛網レッド・ウィップ・メッシュ): Spartacus attaches a metal sphere to the end of his whip, which opens up to cast a net over his opponent, trapping them in place.
    • Red Whip Sandstorm (赤鞭砂塵レッド・ウィップ・サンドストーム): Spartacus strikes his whip on the ground to cause a dust cloud, providing him momentary cover.


Great Heaven-Challenging Olympic Tournament[]

Seeing that the best warriors of Hades Phoenix Island had fallen to the power of Otokojuku, Todo Hyoei decided to use Spartacus and Zi-Lan, two of his best bodyguards, to accompany his son in the final battles.

Once it was decided that the final would be held in the coliseum, and that Otokojuku chose his fighters, Zi-Lan was the first to fight. After his defeat, it was Spartacus' turn to face his opponent: Daigouin Jaki, Emperor of Otokojuku.

He went out to the combat arena mounted on a chariot, and before facing Daigouin Jaki, he made a demonstration of his power: he made them take out an enraged bull, which advanced against him. Then Spartacus, using his Red Whip, dismembered the bull. Later, Jaki also asked to make a demonstration of his power, using his Shinku Senpusho to destroy the bull.

Having seen his opponent's power, Spartacus charged with his chariot, but Jaki managed to dodge his thrusts. Just as Jaki used his Shinku Senpusho, a shield emerged from Spartacus's chariot, disabling his attack.

Spartacus lunged at the attack again, but Jaki managed to dodge him again, hiding under his chariot and leaping just after he had unhitched the horses, which were swift against him. Jaki destroyed them with his Shinku Senpusho.

Seeing that his chariot had been rendered useless, Spartacus jumped off it and attacked Jaki with his Red Whip Genocide, quickly switching to his Red Whip Mesh to trap Jaki in a net. Once caught, Spartacus kept attacking him with his Genocide Red Whip, until Jaki rejoined, throwing his Shinku Senpusho at the shield of Spartacus' chariot, causing it to bounce off and hit him, breaking free from the net.

Once free, Spartacus used his Red Whip Sandstorm to kick up a cloud of sand, as Jaki threw another of his Shinku Senpusho at him.

Once the sand cloud dissipated, it was seen how the Shinku Senpusho had impacted him and left him like a skeleton...but that was actually Zi-Lan's corpse, since Spartacus had managed to get underground and attack Jaki from down!!

Armed with a knife, Spartacus prepared to finish off Jaki, but the Otokojuku Emperor rose again. Then Spartacus used his Red Whip Sandstorm to make a sand cloud again and attack Jaki with his Red Whip Genocide. But once the cloud dissipated, Jaki threw his Shinku Senpusho at him. Unaware of the impact, Spartacus charged again...only to find that it had flayed him from the waist down, dropping dead right away.

Major Battles[]

Appearance in Other Media[]

Sakigake!! Otokojuku: Meikoushima Kessen[]

Pachislot Arcade []


  • His name is, of course, a reference to the hero Spartacus, who led a revolt against the government of Rome.
  • It is unknown where he comes from, as all the other members of The Sixteen Warriors of Hades Phoenix Island nationalities are explicitly stated, but given that he has based himself off of the Roman hero Spartacus, it is most likely that he comes from Italy, more specifically, it's capital, Rome.

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